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23 entries.
Fewchure from Hauppauge wrote on Monday, July 22 2019 at 06:15
Thanks for the carry on apex earlier this week 🙂

Rhialto's reply:
Hey thanks for visiting my website after the match! Sorry for the delay to reply, the notification email for your input here was flagged as SPAM and went into the appropriate folder.

Now let's tell the truth about this match ok? Nothing to hide here. Your screenshot looks edited, there was a third player which you don't show. I also took a screenshot after that match. See https://Rhialto.com/_shared/ApexLegends-Fewchure.jpg

So the story for anyone else reading is... the game started with the other player disconnecting before entering the match. I was jump leader but you didn't care and jumped on your own very early. I landed far away in a very quiet place while I was hearing you fight every minute. That was incredible! I mean for 10 minutes I was solo looting around while listening to all your Pathfinder sentences. Then the second I met another squad I got killed. Well, we can't be all of the same level!

Then I watched you play until the end. You really managed to win the match all by yourself, ending with an amazing score I could only dream of. No doubt you are level Predator in Ranked mode... you must carry so many to higher levels.
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Fred from Vlaardingen wrote on Friday, March 22 2019 at 17:21
Leuke dochters hebben jullie,....!
Ook wij hebben er twee,maar die zijn al ouder.....We hebben 1 kleindochter en drie klein zonen....
Rhialto's reply:
Bedankt voor je bezoek!
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marlon from boise wrote on Wednesday, February 14 2018 at 01:06
hey for your m1 build how come you didnt do a AIO?
Rhialto's reply:
Hi and thanks for asking, my answer is that I was never interested in water, the required maintenance over time, and I know pump can be noisy.

I've added that answer to my M1NI-ITX page.
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UndeadOutbreak from Palmdale wrote on Friday, November 16 2012 at 12:50
Hello Rhialto, I love S.T.A.L.K.E.R as well. I saw your youtube videos could you tell me the name of the song that you used in "poor guy being attacked in the zone"?
Rhialto's reply:
It's called "System" by Force Legato, which is one of the first Oliver Lieb pseudonyme!
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Dennis O'Laughlin from Meadville, Pennsylvania wrote on Saturday, March 24 2012 at 14:09
Hey Rhialto- Awesome page on your Volusia. I was doing a search on whitewall tires for VL-800's and came across your page. Really nice photos. My wife and I each have Volusias (mine is black and hers is absolutely identical to yours, '03 Anniversary). We really love our bikes. She has been wanting whitewalls and your pics convinced me to get them for her. Her birthday is Friday and I just ordered them. What brand of tire are they? I ordered Metzelers. Thanks for the post!
Rhialto's reply:
Thanks for signing! I always had WW and only used Dunlop D404. I've heard of Metzelers but have no input. A long time ago I was very active on the Volusia forums and people were discussing this... I would be curious to hear from someone who tested both.

Happy birthday to your wife!
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Alex from UK wrote on Wednesday, August 10 2011 at 09:03
Hello, thanks for creating the Dragon Tavern script DTRAP. But often it does not work. I have updated firefox and GM. The script looks sound when I open it in Notepad, but I cannot programme Javascript.

Please please please please create a 0.2 version and fix the problem. Thank you.

P.S - it works once or twice but 80% of the time it does not work, stops reloading the pages and does not work again.
Rhialto's reply:
Thanks for letting me know. After over a year of playing every single day I quit playing it. The script was programmed by an aquintance and I'll ask him to take a look but it may take 2-3 weeks because I just began my vacation.

Thanks for signing in!
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rhialto from paris wrote on Monday, June 13 2011 at 19:12

Je suis fan de Jack Vance depuis très longtemps, et j'ai aussi adopté ce pseudo de rhialto. C'est en faisant une recherche sur le pseudo que je suis tombé par hasard sur ton site. Effectivement rhialto est un très bon livre de jack vance; il y en a d'autres, comme emphyrio, et surtout Lyonnesse : qui est une saga en trois tomes vraiment fabuleuse.

à bientôt rhialto

ps : il est possible que jack vance se soit inspiré du nom du pont de venise le rialto.
Rhialto's reply:
Je vous ai répondu via un courriel à l'adresse indiquée. Merci de votre visite!
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Stalker solitaire from Beaugency (France) wrote on Saturday, July 24 2010 at 04:36
Bien le bonjours amis fan après 2 ans de retard (je vien de découvrir ce projet totalement fou que vous avez réalisez) je vous dit bravo bravo bravo et encore bravo pour cet magnifique pièce collector de Stalker,j'ai découvert StalkerFrance tros tard pour avoir cet fameuse entre mes mains mais après avoir tout lue du projet de A à Z je tenais réellement a dire encore une fois Bravo !
Rhialto's reply:
Merci bien! 🙂
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David Sparling from Bristol UK wrote on Wednesday, November 11 2009 at 10:14
Any chance you would consider running another batch of coins. I'm an avid fan an very impressed with what you created! If not I might attempt to do my own via a 3d printing company.Thanks
Rhialto's reply:
Hi David and thank you for your interest in my coin project. Unfortunatly I won't go into this again. I asked GSC permission for this unique project and It was a lot of work and stress too. You may want to check with them if you have another good idea and see what happen. Let me know, I may be interested to buy!
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Daki from Cologne wrote on Wednesday, October 21 2009 at 09:08
Hi Rhialto,

I'm new in the Machinarium Forum, where I saw your Link to your homepage.
First I want to say, that my English is not so super `cause I'd used it, last time ,many years ago.

Cause I’m very curious, I’ve - among other things - also considered your homepage – it’s really super made.
Especially great , I think, are the photos of your two pretty twins.
They look so cute and exude an absolute love of life.
I just wanted to write you this - even if we do not know us.
All the best for all of you
Daki from Cologne, Germany
Rhialto's reply:
Thanks Daki for your comment, really appreciated!
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Stogirls from Québec wrote on Wednesday, May 20 2009 at 06:58
En visitant le forum de AGGRQ ce matin j'y ai trouvé ton message concernant les cotes des caches (lien sur ta page Web). J'ai donc visité ton site Web avec plaisir. Je trouve ton site super intéressant et franchement je suis demeurée bouche bée devant ta moto! WOW magnifique...! Je comprends ton coup de coeur..BRAVO!
Rhialto's reply:
Et dire que je viens tout juste de retirer le banc passager! J'aurais pu te faire faire une ballade. Mais j'aime bien le look sans ce banc derrière, tu me fais penser que je devrais ajouter une nouvelle photo avec son look courant. Merci d'être passée!
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GrOoVe_SaLad from Bordeaux wrote on Wednesday, April 1 2009 at 13:18
Pièce reçu à l'instant. Je dois bien avouer que je suis surpris de la qualité de celle ci : Taille plutôt conséquente, finition parfaite, un côté luminescent ... Bref, du tout bon.
Excellente réalisation, je signe direct pour la prochaine ! 🙂
Merci et bonne continuation.
Rhialto's reply:
Bien heureux quelle ait été à la hauteur de vos attentes! Merci d'être passé donner vos impressions.
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Meyer Romuald from Varangeville, France wrote on Monday, March 30 2009 at 13:10
Juste pour dire que j'ai bien reçu la pièce de STALKER. ( merci aussi à Megamat )
C'est du très bon travail, la pièce et vraiment bien faite.
Rhialto's reply:
Super! Merci pour le commentaire.
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Daniel from Grandrieu, France wrote on Monday, March 30 2009 at 07:44
ce n'est peut çetre le bon endroit pour laisser de post mais bon!
voila j'ai reçu ce matin ma piece collector de stalker clear sky que j'ai eu par l'intermediaire du webmaster du site stalker france (megamat pour ne pas le nommer) et je doit dire que j'ai été très agréablement surpris, c'est vraiment un objet magnifique mais domage que nous n'ayons pas eu droit au coffret collector.
encore merci pour cette très bonne initiative
Rhialto's reply:
C'est le bon endroit! Merci pour ton commentaire.
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caroline from quebec wrote on Wednesday, March 4 2009 at 11:44
Vraiment Daniel ton site est extra.Je crois bien que je le metterai dans mes favoris afin de le visiter frequemment. C"est sur que je vais essayer les jeux dont tu parles.
Bravo a toi
Rhialto's reply:
Merci! Donc tu serais une gameuse? On s'en rejase... 🙂
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Meyer Romuald from Varangeville, France wrote on Tuesday, January 20 2009 at 16:19
J'ai vraiment apprecié ton initiative de crée une pièce collector pour Stalker, et sa à l'air vraiment réussit. J'ai vu que tu en avait fait 100, je ne sais pas si tout et déjà parti ( pré commandé.. ) , mais si il t'en reste je voudrait bien t'en commander une.
Merci de me tenir au courant, et bonne continuation.
Rhialto's reply:
Il faudrait voir avec Megamat, je lui communique tes coordonnées.
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eljan from mtl wrote on Saturday, December 13 2008 at 20:46
Salut,Dans un autre forum, tu cherchais le lecteur dvp5990. Il est disponible en spécial à 59$ chez bestbuy (canada)tourlou
Rhialto's reply:
En effet et c'est à ce magasin que j'ai commandé en ligne la semaine dernière aussi en spécial. J'ai déjà reçu le lecteur. Merci d'être passé sur mon site pour me le souligner.
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lapgang01 from quebec wrote on Friday, June 27 2008 at 22:40
salut rhialto..pour le geocaching,,tes caches m en font baver un peu..le carnaval, bénévole dans le secteur beauport il y a plus de 15 ans,,retraité tech en informatique au qc depuis 1 ans,,tes commentaires sur les sites de géocaching sont toujours a point,,en fait,,je suis venu ici afin de savoir pourquoi tu est si ratoureux lors de tes emplacements de trésors...beau site..la finale sont tes enfants, méchant tresor.....bravo...au plaisir de se rencontrer dans un de tes MYSTERES,,,
Rhialto's reply:
Bon bien je constate qu'on aura quelques sujets en commun à discuter lorsqu'on se rencontrera sur le terrain! Qui sait, peut-être au Méga Event de Géocaching. Merci d'être passé laisser un mot.
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DonF from hamilton,ontario wrote on Thursday, March 27 2008 at 21:51
Hi Rhialto.......First congrats on your family. Second, just a note to say that the Volusia Owners League is back up. Drop in and say hi............
Rhialto's reply:
Noooo! Really? Thanks DonF for the news, I'm taking a look right away! It won't be the VOL we had but it will be a pleasure to say hello to all the old members.
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Gazaar from Los Angeles wrote on Monday, January 21 2008 at 19:11
I came accross your S.T.A.L.K.E.R videos on youtube, what song is it that you use in them it's awesome?
Rhialto's reply:
Hi Gazaar! Wow I didn't know someone placed my videos on YouTube! The song is called System v1.0 and is by Force Legato. It's pretty old but I really liked it at that time and I still enjoy it.
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