What is Geocaching?
Well, exceptionally I won’t explain what Geocaching is since English is not my native language and there are a lot of resources available on the internet already. Also, I believe this video will explain it better than I would 😉
Please be sure to visit geocaching.com/play for more informations on that superb activity and how you can get ready to go hunt for your first geocache!
You gonna love Geocaching!
My Geocaching profil
This badge shows my finds and hidden caches count:
If you click it you’ll get to see my profil from geocaching.com
My contributions to Geocaching
I took some of my spare time to translate and add French to some nice geocaching tools around the web.
• GeoCheck.org
GeoCheck is a cache coordinates checker for Mystery caches. If a user inputs the correct coordinates, a user-defined text and/or image is shown. A lot of options and a lot of statistics are also available.
I had my second Mystery hidden and this time I needed a coordinates checker. I took a look at a few options and decided to go with GeoCheck for many good reasons. After adding my solution I sent an email to ask the author Samuel if French would be available in the future and I offered my help. After a week Samuel replied and was enthusiast about my offer.
I translated everything to French and I also shared a useful language detection script.
• GCVote.com
GCVote is an extension for the www.geocaching.com website that enables you to rate the quality of caches. It displays the average of all quality votes received for any geocache and lets you set your own vote with a single click.
After a few days using GCVote I contacted the author (Guido) and offered him to add French and I also offered him to work on giving GCVote’s website a more attractive design. He was glad of my interest in his project.
I completely redesigned the website (including some English pages) with more screenshots, better instructions on how to install and start using it, and made all the pages available in French. I also shared the language detection script.
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